Squats Special Characters


Special Characters

Warlord Hardy ………………………… 140 points, 195 including Wargear

Hardy is a very old squat even by squat standards. His ancestors were very wealthy and fought against the orks on numerous occasions. Hardy is a McMillian and a very wealthy one at that. He is always working on improving his equipment and Wargear to improve it. With a supply to all of the Strongholds weapons, he is one of the most heavily armed squats. His exo-armour is covered with crystals and plasteel plates covered with diamonds and other precious metals and minerals. Hardy once fought against an ork warboss and his bodyguard alone, and managed to kill them, even though his bolter jammed and had a coolant leakage in his suit.

After this encounter he became Warlord as he was only an Engineer Guildmaster before. He also managed to fight off an Eldar attack with a smaller force, stealing a Warp Spiders Jump Generator and then getting his engineers to fit it. His troops are among the most heavily equipped and armed of the Squat Strongholds and he will often shoot any of his troops if they are not properly equipped.


3 8 6 4 5 3 6 3 10

Weapons: Phasor Rifle/ Auto-Rifle combi weapon, Power Axe and twin RJ44 Launcher pods.


Armour: Squat Exo-Armour (4+ save on 2D6)


Wargear: Hardy’ Jump Generator, Dazzler Lasers, Ammo Feed. Hardy may have no other wargear cards.

Strategy: Hardy has a strategy rating of 3.


Special: Hardy is an ancient Squat and excellent at making tactical decisions, to show this he has a strategy rating of 3. Any Mcmillian troops with Hardy as their leader can chose any weapons that are rare or uncommon.

Hardy expects the best use of the high tech equipment from his troops and so this following rule applies. If there is a model within shooting range of Hardy and they roll 1 or more jams then Hardy will shoot with his least powerful weapon. If the model is not killed then they may re-roll 1 jam per turn ( they’ll be more careful from now on!). If the model jams again and Hardy is within range, he will shoot with his most powerful weapon, ( they never learn!).

Also any model in the squad who has a member shoot by Hardy may also re-roll 1 Jam per turn and will not break (they don’t won’t to get on the wrong side of Hardy again do they!). This applies to any unit, any model in Hardy’s bodyguard may also re-roll 1 jam per turn, if they jam then they will also be shot.

Hardy’s Jump Generator 40 points, 1VP

During a battle against the Eldar, one of Hardy’s bodyguard shot a Warp Spider after it had warped in front of them. Hardy took the body of the fallen Warp Spider back for his engineers to fit the Jump Generator into his Exo-Armour systems. After weeks they had successfully transferred the Jump Generator onto his Exo-Armour. Hardy soon started using it and found it less predictable as he had first hoped but found that troops with Warp Transponders meant he would not deviate as much.

The same rules for the Eldar jump generator apply, with the exceptions that for every jump roll a scatter dice and two D6. A roll of a hit means you land where you planed, if not you are placed further away. You cannot beam into a wall or another object, the scanners prevent this, so you scatter again from there. If any model has a warp transponder then the distance scattered is halved this model must be within 16" of where you wanted to warp. The effects of the warp are not the same for Squats as the Eldar and the range of Hardy’s Jump Generator is not as far.

Range Destroyed on score of


22-28" 6

Dazzlers 10 points

Dazzlers are weapons that Engineers will fit to most suits of Exo-Armour if they are getting paid enough that is. Dazzlers are small lasers that operate off of the Exo-Armours power to produce a blinding flash of light. Dazzlers carry a micro-prism through which the highly focused beam is fired through producing a very bright burst of multi-coloured light. The effects are usually very impressive and the unfortunate victim can be permanently blinded by the burst. Although similar to a Photon Flash Grenade, the Dazzler is used differently. Any models that are charged by the Squat must roll under their Initiative –1 or else lose 1 attack. Models with eye protection such as Space Marine Auto-sensors can only be effected if a 5-6 is rolled before the Initiative test. Targeters and other similar devices will be destroyed for the rest of the game on a D6 roll of 4+ roll once for all equipment to save time.